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Gratitude works like Magic. It instantly changes from Negative to Positive Mindset and It also brings more of what we dwell on.. It's the positive vibration that you emit to the universe when you are in a grateful state of mind.

Start making the list of things that you should be grateful , think of the little things that you are blessed to have. Think of the little things that you are grateful to be, because this shifts your energy , it changes your thinking, before this you might be focusing on which you don’t have , you might be focusing your complaints you might be focusing on what ever the problems are when to do exercise to change you start to grow in different direction. 

You start to be grateful for all the things which you feel good about. Gratitude is absolutely the way you want your life. Everyone wants appreciating for the little things we do.

 this encourages and we want to do more good what ever we think about we thank about we bring about that’s the feeling you have to have. if you start feeling gratitude you do more of the good things. You think more of the good. Backup all the things you don’t have focus on what you have that you should be grateful.

Everyone once in life will definitely say my things are not working , some things going bad with us. we need to have the attitude of gratitude. When you visualize you materialize.

Gratitude effects us in our overall life and happiness, thank every opportunity to appreciate every person  for every thing in your home or at your work place or at your college , to your friends. in this way you develop an attitude of gratitude. by doing this three wonderful things happen first thing you feel better and more valuable .second is giving praise and approval on every occasion , give praise for every good effort, give praise for every good idea , give praise for every good suggestion . 

we feel happy  when the person whom you praise will also be happy about it. Third one is admiration complement people .complement people around you. Your friends or your family members or at your work place. you raise their self esteem , the forth is attention means you listen patiently what others say and quietly without interrupting.

 True listeners here what is being said to them. It is also one of the way to expressing your gratitude. It is feeling and expressing gratitude. it has a wonderful effect on your personality. Remember you become what you think about yourself. an attitude of gratitude is the highest way of thinking.

 The more you have the better and valuable personality you will gain. You can always find things for which you are truly grateful.

make it a point to sit down with a pen and paper like you mentioned Brian. It's amazing how many things I can come up with when I just take the time to count my blessings. It's a truly powerful practice. At times when I am unable write down my gratitude list, I'll just go through a mental exercise of simply appreciating all the great things that happened on that particular day.

Gratitude is very powerful. The key that opens all doors and seeing with the grateful eyes. It look for seeing good. All ways of seeing the aspects of life . looking for good and seeing good is gratitude or joy. Gratitude is a celebration of your life happiness. Gratitude depends upon grace but grace does not depend on gratitude. practice gratitude every day for the rest of my life because I do believe that this is indeed the source of true joy

 It helps us to accept some difficult areas of our life that we would like to avoid and to see the beauty in every situation by focusing on and celebrating the positives in our life .  be grateful . gratitude can take us from the feeling of feeling sorry. 

The daily gratitude exercise will make you happier. More self dependent. You will be able to receive your goals. Gratitude heals us from emotional pain.

 Choose gratitude as your attitude. Think about your gratitude , extend your gratitude and exercise your gratitude. We can change our brain . you can improve learning. Improve social intelligence.  instead of things that you don’t have .focus on what you have. 

There are many wonderful aspects in our life why think about wrong things. Gratitude turns us from negative to the positive.

 we must know that it is not happiness that makes us grateful but the gratefulness that makes us happy. 

Gratitude gives great energy , optimism and positive mind. 

It also gives great sense of feeling connected to others, it gives high alertness, enthusiasm and attentiveness . it develops us personally in a very great way.

 The difference between happy people and unhappy people is their gratitude. the good vibration of gratitude attracts positive things in your life. 

it is a positive vibration energy that change our lifes. when you become grateful for small pleasures your outlook changes and new opportunities open up.

 nothing new can come in your life unless you are grateful for what you have now. so, be generous with gratitude cause it is contagious.

The benefits of practicing gratitude are nearly endless. People who regularly practice gratitude by taking time to notice and reflect upon the things they're thankful for experience more positive emotions, feel more alive, sleep better, express more compassion and kindness, and even have stronger immune systems And gratitude doesn't need to be reserved only for momentous occasions: Sure, you might express gratitude after receiving a promotion at work, but you can also be thankful for something as simple as a delicious piece 

Every movement of every day is is what we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are. 
The thankful receiver bears a plentiful harvest. When your are conscious of our pressure. Be thankful for what you have , you will end up having more .

if you concentrate on what you don’t have you will never ever have enough. So, stop thinking of the things you don’t have.  
We can only be alive in those moments when our heart is conscious of our treasures. The deepest craving of human nature is the need to be appreciated. We should always express our gratitude . we should never forget it.
 Appreciating others is a good habit.

Feeling and expressing gratitude can make you happy in the moment just think back to the joy you felt the last time a friend helped you out or your partner cooked a gourmet dinner and a growing mound of evidence shows that giving thanks can also have a lasting effect on your mood. 

One study from the University of Pennsylvania found that people who wrote and delivered a heartfelt thank you letter actually felt happier for a full month after, and the same researchers discovered that writing down three positive events each day for a week kept happiness levels high for up to six months.
 Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame with in us. These said by ALBERT SCHWEITZER .

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